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Rindfleisch / Rapedius – MONTE VERA

By Tyler Coburn

February 2008

Precocious gallery Klaus von Nichtssagend periodically mounts shows that put much of the Manhattan scene to shame. So it was with Rindfleisch/Rapdeius’s second solo outing at the gallery, where a recent sojourn in Argentina provided fodder for a small serious of objects, drawings and photographs. The artists’ sensitivity to materials had the overall effect of trapping their works in an ambiguous state between illustration and outright abstraction – and quite effectively so – from the economical, hanging black thread of ‘Waterfall’ (all works 2007) to the exhibition’s piece de resistance, ‘Monte Vera’, in which freestanding rolls of paper are cut to resemble regional topographies, and somehow also come to instantiate an uprising of the round, the organic and the natural against the white cube’s institutional edges. I’ll choose to forget the moments where depiction got the better of the artists – that paper really need those cutesy llama drawings?…