“Daughter of Bad Girls” at Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, through July 27.
Twenty years after concurrent feminist art exhibitions—“Bad Girls” at the New Museum, curated by Marcia Tucker, and “Bad Girls West” at what would become the Hammer Museum, curated by Marcia Tanner—this small show sets out to check in on the place of feminism in contemporary art but comes off feeling startlingly apolitical. A few outspoken pieces redeem the concept, like Ridykeulous’s hilarious lesbian-themed update of the Guerrilla Girls’s The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist, and Xaviera Simmons’s orgasmic take on Manet’s Olympia. Otherwise, these daughters of “Bad Girls” are far less badass than their predecessors. —Benjamin Sutton
Artnet News
New York Gallery Beat: Offbeat Summer Group Shows
By Benjamin Sutton
July 16, 2014